May 5, 2007

F is for Final

After the sharing session, I do this small change to the algorithm, where it does the money management part of it.

volume = NormalizeDouble(

This will automate the process in determining the position size based on a fixed number of gearing ratio.
I have a 5.33 gearing ratio, this will be the value of prm_gearing_ratio.
prm_pair_diversify will be 2, since the system will be run on two pair: EUR/USD and GBP/USD.
When trading on a mini acct, the MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE) will automatically return a value of 10,000 or 100k when trading a standard account.
With this piece of code, i dont have to calculate some basic arithmetic on waste papers anymore. LOL.
This version is tagged as vy5f. So the version is StealthTrader_vy5f now. I hope F is for Final. he he he..
Good luck to us !!!

November 2, 2006

Short term vs long term systems

Filed under: Uncategorized — by TraderMade @ 10:48 am
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Dear friends..

I’ve came to a conclusion from several short term and long term systems that I know up to now.

Short term systems usually produce these outcomes:

  1. Many small profits, usually consecutively. They may come as frequent as 70-80%.
  2. A big losing trade will come occasionally, causing drawdowns. This is seldom, but alwas come and never can be predicted. Its just the nature of the system. This may as frequent as 20-30%.
  3. Equity curve profile looks like this red lines in the picture at the bottom of this post.

Meanwhile, long term trendfollowing systems have the opposite profile:

  1. Small losing trades usually happen regularly and consecutively. They are 60-70% of the total statistics. These are when cuting small losses.
  2. Big profit comes when the system ride trends. They are seldom. And hardly are consecutively. We can not predict when it’ll come, but it is promised by the nature of the market.
  3. The equity curve profile looks like the blue lines in the picture below.

Short term systems includes the bolltrade, the multilot systems, the short term breakout systems, etc.

Long term systems includes the turtles, the aberration, and several others.

They all pretty consistent with those profile I mentioned.
Any other system developers here observe the same situation ?




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